Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Oh, clumsy me.

Forgive my lack of postings. Within the last few weeks not only as school begun, as mentioned before, but I have had several clumsy moments. The first of these was conducted while hiking with my husband the Friday before the semester began. I stepped funnily, it would seem, and had a spark of pain in my right knee. I finally went to the doctor almost two weeks later (yes, I know) and found out it was my IT band. I've had to wear this dreadful immobilizer (a huge brace that serves as a cast), as well as go to physical therapy. Not fun, as you can imagine.

My second injury occured today. I don't think it's as bad as I thought it to be at first. I bought one of those large Yankee Candles, the heavy glass ones, in an attempt to make my crappy day a little bit better, but it did exactly the opposite and made it worse. I was picking it up and the bottom fell from the lid, as I clearly was not holding it tight enough for its weight, and dropped the heaviest part of it, containing the huge candle, dropped precisely on my right big toe. I think my nail took most of the damage, as it is turning a rather nasty dark color, but my entire toe is swollen to twice its regular size and has a small bruise almost down the middle of it. Apparently my right leg does not have a lot of luck when it comes to staying fit, and just doesn't want me to ever exercise again or feel remotely healthy.

Not only are these injuries inconvenient in all ways imaginable, but they cause me to have breakdowns of sorts and want to eat a ton of chocolate. When I say "a ton," I literally mean a ton, as in measurement. Of course, at this moment, my toe is swollen and I am unable to so much as put on a flip flop without causing more pain, let alone drive to the store to buy more chocolate.

We are not all perfect, and I suppose God made me clumsy for reasons of His own-- if nothing else but entertainment to those around me. At least my moments can make wonderful stories, even if this one isn't elaborative enough for the time being.

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